What a Consultation with Padstow Involves


Getting a Complete Understanding of Your Goals

At Padstow, we start every project with a clear definition of your goals. Not only does this ensure we deliver on your needs, but it helps us define a step-by-step action plan for the project. This action plan has defined success metrics that ensure we’re adhering to budget and timelines and will define when and where our efforts are concentrated. We’ll also be able to spot any delays or detractions from the project timeline easily and quickly – before they become an issue.

Discussion on Projects

We believe in collaboration. Not only because it increases productivity, engagement and loyalty from our clients, but because it lessens the chance for misunderstanding and/or miscommunication. At Padstow we do aim to set SMART goals for all our collaborative work; specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Along with keeping our focus and effort on two to three projects per quarter.

Opportunity to Ask Questions

The team at Padstow understands there is no better way to deliver on client ask then to have them ask questions. This ensures not only that we’re on the same page but, truly understand what you need. This will advance our learning of your process and procedures and will ensure we’re functioning as a true partner and extension of your team.

Contact Us & Request a Consultation

Padstow Inc.

Email: info@padstowinc.com
Phone: 416-219-7211
Office: 1162 King Rd Unit 12, Burlington, ON L7T 0C5

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